Medical employee aiding patient on a laptop computer.

Patient Support

Enrollment into patient support services at the point of prescribing: Technology connects all healthcare stakeholders, allowing visibility into patient enrollment and access requirements within one platform.

Empowered Patients

Only 1 of 5 patients are aware of patient support services.1

A patient is diagnosed with a chronic condition and prescribed a complex therapy, and now has to work through financial and emotional stress while coming to terms with their diagnosis and what it means. Being auto-enrolled in patient support services decreases the time they have to wait to begin therapy, leading to better adherence and outcomes.

Our solution allows for a streamlined experience and reduces the burden on the patient and care team.

Empowered Patients

Manual processes and scheduling lengthen time to therapy.

While thinking about their new normal, the patient’s provider fulfills enrollment steps.

For 85 percent of patients, benefits information may be retrieved within 37 seconds through our benefits verification technology.2 When these transactions happen electronically, patients get support sooner.

Empowered Patients

Lack of visibility causes delays, too.

Visibility into which steps need completed and by whom speeds up the patient support process.

Our platform serves as a single access point for specialty medications for all stakeholders involved in a patient’s care. Case status and progress are tracked through a dashboard, providing providers, patient service coordinators and case managers with a complete view of the patient’s journey.

Decreasing turnaround times for patient support process leads to a 27 percent average decrease in time-to-therapy for patients overall.2

Empowered Patients

Manual touch points are inefficient.

For the patient on complex therapy, ongoing adherence is often a struggle. Now, the patient is supported through refill reminders, copay offset solutions and support from clinical and behavioral experts.

Empowered Patients

Electronic support improves patient access for specialty medications

On their own, a patient’s journey is difficult. With support at the point of prescribing, their story — and millions of other’s stories — can be different.

Through our specialty solution, patients experienced a 27 percent reduction in time to therapy, relative to the industry standard.2

Discover how our patient support services are modernizing medication access and adherence.

Explore another patient story

1. Accenture research, 2015 2. CoverMyMeds case study, 2019